
Green Poison: IOS 5 Beta 6 is Jailbreak Proof

IOS 5 Beta 6 - Apple have released the 6th beta of STIs next OS, the IOS 5 beta 6. But as always, waiting for people Were as soon as This and the update was made ​​public, downloaded and installed People Have it. Also, There Will Always Be Who would want people to wait for a few days before downloading the latest version of the OS so That the jailbreak community can do ITS work and release a jailbreak.
So, if you are one of us Who Have Been Waiting for news about the jailbreak iOS 5 beta 6, Then its a bad one. Its better you stay away from the update so That You Can save your current jailbreak, as IOS 5 beta 6 is not ready Currently jailbreak. The hackers Have That There Is No confirmed That way iOS 5 beta 6 Could be jailbroken.
So for you to STI adviseable not download the update. We will let you know when to the jailbreak is released so That You Can try it out. Till Then, enjoy your iOS 5 beta 5.

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