
Windows 7 Sync Center

In windows 7,Sync Center allows you to check the results of your recent sync activity if you’ve set up your computer to sync files with a network server (often called offline files). When you sync with a network server, you can access files by keeping synced copies of those files on your computer, even when the network server is unavailable. Sync Center can tell you if the files synced successfully or if there are any sync errors or warnings.

To lauch sync center,just open your control panel,then click sync center.


Note:Sync Center is designed to help you sync with files in network locations. If you want to sync a mobile device with your computer, such as a mobile phone or portable music player, Windows gives you several other options. You can install the sync software that some manufacturers include with their device, or you can use the new Device Stage feature in this version of Windows if your device supports this feature

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