
Insert Copyright, Trademark, Other Symbols

Summary: Add symbols for copyright, trademark, and registered trademark to your Word 2007 document.
If you need to add symbols such as a copyright symbol, trademark symbol, or registered trademark symbol to your Microsoft Word 2007 document, there are a few ways to do so, including the following:

Keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts will insert special characters:

Copyright Symbol: Alt + Ctrl + C
Trademark Symbol: Alt + Ctrl + T
Registered Trademark Symbol: Alt + Ctrl + R

Keyboard text

If Autocorrect is turned on (which it is by default), you can enter the following text and Word will automatically convert it to the desired symbol:

Copyright Symbol: (c)
Trademark Symbol: (tm)
Registered Trademark Symbol: (r)


If you prefer to use the Ribbon or need to access other symbols, do the following:

1. Click the "Insert" tab in the ribbon at the top of Word 2007.

2. In the "Symbols" group click the "Symbol" command.

3. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to select from several frequently-used symbols.

4. If necessary, click the "More Symbols" button on the pop-up to open the "Symbol" dialog box.

From the "Symbol" dialog box you can:

* Double-click a variety of symbols to add them to the current Word 2007 document

* Click the "Font" and "Subset" pull-downs to look for symbols in other fonts

5. Close the "Symbol" dialog box when done.

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