
Remember More Mistakes

SUMMARY: Allow more than 20 levels of undo in Visio 2007.

Just as with other Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and Microsoft Word 2007, if you make a mistake in Microsoft Visio 2007 you can undo the operation. You can undo by pressing Ctrl + Z or clicking the "Undo" button in the toolbar. You can also click the pull-down next to the "Undo" button and undo multiple operations at once.

By default, Visio remembers the last 20 operations performed. If you find this number too few for your needs, you can force Visio to remember even more operations. Note that as you raise this number, Visio may consumer more memory to store this information.

1. Select "Tools" - "Options".

2. The "Options" multi-tabbed dialog box appears. Click the "General" tab.

3. Underneath "General options", click the box next to "Undo levels". You can adjust this value from 0 - 99.

4. Click "OK" to close the dialog box.

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