
Fix iTunes Error 1013 When Updating iPhone 4 to iOS 4.2.1

iPhone 4 users ! Have you tried updating your device to the newly released iOS 4.2.1? Well, if yes, then you must have encountered Error Code 1013 or Error Code 1611. Then don’t worry, be assured that you are not the single person in this whole universe having this problem. It’s a common issue across all iOS devices updating to iOS 4.2.1 and Apple Support Discussion forums are full of users complaining about this issue.

 How to Fix Error Code 1013:
Step 1. On your Mac, go to your “Applications” folder.
Step 2. Now navigate to the “Utilities” folder.
Step 3. Launch “Terminal”.
Step 4. Type “sudo nano /etc/hosts” (without quotes) and hit return.
Step 5. Enter your password
Step 6. Use the down arrow key to find the “gs.apple.com” entries. Once the cursor is in front, make sure you comment out the line(s) by entering “#” in front of the text.
Step 7. Save the file by pressing CONTROL+O.
Step 8. Exit the nano editor by pressing CONTROL+X.
Step 9. Restore your iDevice.

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